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Private Frequencies

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OK. First off, I must apologize for my inactivity the past couple weeks. I'll try to make it around more for the moment, but no guarantees.


Secondly, a big thank-you to the following players (alphabetical):


Code Red


oh boy

Spirit Phantom


...for their flagging efforts last reset.


It appears that we have only a handful of members currently who have been willing to do stuff. That's unfortunate, but I sort-of expected it.


There are some changes this reset, obviously. I had no idea privs were coming in, no notice... so no preparation. I had thought what we were doing with the pubs was working rather well, but since pubs are gone for who knows how long, it's time to change our strategy.


I need some brainstorming from you guys. The best idea I currently have is to make a freq that is no bigger than the largest other freq, and flag. Just keep winning games until someone puts up a fight. Milking or neuting and defending etc. I think should be avoided, as it will only encourage centerkilling when nobody wants to "pointlessly" attack a base.


So, what I'd like to try is to keep a frequency with only 2 or 3 people, win flag games until someone puts up a fight, and then recruit in order to stay about the same size as the opposition frequency. I'll be doing this when I get a chance.


As for the rest of you, we need to get some communication happening. It feels to me like I'm all alone in this, and I wouldn't be surprised if the same held true for the rest of you. Make some use of this forum to hammer out ideas on how to get flagging happening, and how to bring in and keep population. [Probably the same thing]


Also, if you happen to be around when a decent flag game starts up / ends, post here and let us know what you noticed about how it got going in the first place.


That's all for now...



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a lot can be done. First there needs to be more communication between the sysop. Private freqs can not be set for this long, especially with the settings of nueting. The map and settings has ruined flagging the past week or so



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I'm talking about what *we* can do. I don't know what the heck has been going on with this privs thing, and I'm supposedly part of the staff. What I'm saying is, how do we make the best of this situation? How can we encourage flagging within the current settings?


Pointing fingers isn't going to cut it.

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The bases were using are to big for the smaller pops. People wont go flying through the combs when it is 5 vs 5. I've been looking at the new map, and I am confident in saying that it will bring flagging back a lot more. Take a look at it sometime, i like it a lot. All we can do is wait for it to come up.

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well since most of us can't be on at all times, stay on line all the time. we could do it this way, i live on the west coast i play during 6 p.m my time. that's usually too late for the east coasters and the euros. so what i think we should be doing is hooking up members that play at the same time. i mean we should try to start games when it's convenient for us (time zone specific).


i hate just joining in when a good game is already on, then every one has to sleep or log off. we play the cards wee are dealt. it's hard to get all force members on at specific times to have big blow out games. if we want to encourage people i would say haveing consitant games is more important.


As for privs, we could have one member start up a team and have another start up a different freq and just keep flagging betwwen the two. eventually more people will join. if need be the freq starters can make more than one freq. lots come in and leave when there arent' a lot of people flaggin.

that's my two cents.


sorry haven't been around as much as i should be

blast that work place mad2.gif

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I'm not pointing fingers. If the population and the staff could collarborate more, than things would run smoother. Secondly, the staff should be looking in the best interest of the zone, so a more efficient staff (as ie. in changing privs to pubs).


Don't point your finger at me Splice for pointing a finger!


Every once in a while there will be a flag game in priv freqs, but it just lowers the chance of having a good flag game with privs, because one it splits of the population, two, it usually means one flagging freq.


Inside of changing priv to pub, we can work on those other things I mentioned... Get two flagging freqs, don't put all the flaggers on one team.... etc etc




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I said make it like the old Running Zone (svs) some years back, but noone wanted to...cuz you newbies dont know what its about tongue.gif

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